Part B: Key insights
The Taskforce was in the position to take a holistic view of interconnected matters that may indicate systemic issues of broader applicability to the APS.
Taking this holistic view provided the Taskforce with the opportunity to identify recurring themes and commonalities as they emerged across the inquiries. Part B of this report sets out the Taskforce’s key observations and insights to the extent that it may assist with future Code matters and management practices across the APS. The observations have been informed by the work of the Reviewers but are separate and distinct from their work since, in making their findings and determinations in respect of the Code, the behaviours of each respondent have been assessed by the Reviewers in their specific circumstances and context rather than the more systemic issues that the Taskforce has identified are common across inquiries. To be clear, these observations do not necessarily apply to the circumstances or the behaviour of every individual whose behaviour has been the subject of an inquiry.