APS Academy
The APS Academy (the Academy) is a networked hub of learning and development excellence, established to develop APS Craft capability. APS Craft is comprised of the capabilities unique to the APS:
- Integrity – at the heart of the APS is the pursuit of high standards of professionalism – both in what we do and how we do it
- Working in Government – a willingness to serve and the ability to apply a deep understanding of the context in which the APS operates
- Engagement & Partnership – working with others to shape policy and services that drive better outcomes for the Australian community
- Implementation & Services – bringing policy to life with effective and efficient services that benefit the Australian community
- Strategy, Policy & Evaluation – delivering great policy and services with strategic analysis and evaluation throughout the policy lifecycle
- Leadership & Management – driving organisational productivity and performance through inspiration towards a common goal.
The Academy was established July 2021 following the ‘Review of the APSC Centre for Leadership and Learning’, which was initiated by the Commissioner in July 2020 to consider the future role of the Centre for Leadership and Learning (CLL) in supporting learning and development initiatives across the APS.
The Review suggested that central learning offerings from the APSC should focus on the capabilities that are core to the APS to increase impact and reduce duplication. In December 2020, the APS Secretaries Board agreed to establish the Academy to lead this work.
The Academy offers a range of resources, courses, events and experiences from across the APS, designed to build APS Craft capability.
Explore crafts and learn more, visit APS Academy
Programs and scholarships
The Academy also manages a variety of different programs and scholarships, including:
- APS Graduate Development Program
- Jawun APS Secondment Program
- Sir Roland Wilson Scholarships
- Public Sector Management Program.
For more information about these programs and scholarships, please visit apsacademy.gov.au
APS courses
APSLearn is the Academy’s Learning Management System where you can register for face to face and virtual courses, and access a range of elearning modules. Courses available through APSLearn have been incorporated into each craft.