Contact us
General enquiries can be sent to
Job seekers should visit and contact the agency advertising the vacancy for more information.
APS employees seeking information about activity in their agency or about their individual employment matters should contact their agency's Human Resources (HR) area.
International delegation enquiries can be directed to
Media enquiries can be directed to
Office locations
Website feedback
Enquiries to be sent to
Areas within the APSC that you can contact directly
- Disability employment
- Ethics advisory service
- Freedom of information
- Indigenous APS employment
- Learning and development
- Mailing lists
- Media
- Office of the Merit Protection Commissioner
- Public Interest Disclosure authorised officers
- Senior Executive Service Adviser
- Staffing policy
- Workplace relations
Diversity and Inclusion Branch
Diversity and Inclusion Branch’s primary role is to deliver diversity and inclusion advice, strategies and initiatives, aimed at building an APS that values diverse views, backgrounds, abilities and perspectives. We support APS agencies to foster diverse workforces and create respectful, psychologically safe and inclusive workplaces where everyone can contribute.
If you have a query in relation to your personal circumstances, we encourage you to contact the Human Resources team in the relevant agency with your query.
Diversity and Inclusion Branch includes the following teams:
Inclusion Policy Team provides policy and implementation advice to APS agencies to improve diversity and inclusion.
APS Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Unit (the MHSP Unit) works with APS agencies to promote and drive whole-of-service development of APS workforce literacy, capability and expertise in mental health and suicide prevention, including psychological safety, wellbeing and responding to psychosocial hazards.
Diversity and Inclusion Strategies team responds to emerging diversity and inclusion issues by developing an APS wide strategies to support the APS being a model employer.
First Nations Unit (the Unit) implements initiatives that drive the Government’s commitment to boost First Nations employment across the APS to 5% by 2030.
Workplace Relations contacts
Award Modernisation:
Commonwealth Allowance Subscription Service:
Commonwealth Public Sector Workplace Bargaining: Contact your agency's relationship manager or email
Maternity Leave and Long Service Leave:
Remuneration Tribunal Secretariat
Remuneration Tribunal Secretariat: provides secretariat support to the Remuneration Tribunal who determine remuneration for key Commonwealth office holders, including Secretaries and Statutory Office Holders, see
Office of the Merit Protection Commissioner
Email or visit
Other employment policy matters
For matters relevant to APS employment that are not covered by the APSC, you should contact:
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet for Annual Reporting policies, guidance on caretaker conventions, and guidelines for official witnesses before Parliamentary Committees.
- Department of Finance for policies on financial management and fiscal probity in the APS.
- Australian Human Rights Commission for matters relating to discrimination or breaches of human rights.
- ComSuper for the administration of matters relating to Commonwealth superannuation.
- Comcare for administration of the Commonwealth occupational health and safety framework and the workers' compensation scheme.
- Fair Work Commission for matters relating to the Fair Work Act 2009 such as unfair dismissal, industrial action, equal pay, transfer of business, right of entry and enterprise bargaining (initial point of contact is APSC Workplace Relations Group as listed above).
- Fair Work Ombudsman for information about workplace rights and obligations, including investigation of breaches of individuals' workplace rights.
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for information policy, Freedom of Information and Privacy matters.
If your enquiry is about a State, Territory or local government matter, please contact the relevant organisation at that level of government. Links to these organisations can be found at the States and Territories page on the Australian Government website.
Employment Policy
The Employment Policy team provides advice on the APS employment framework to APS Human Resources (HR) practitioners to assist them in carrying out their functions. Please see the general guidance available on the website on:
- recruitment and selection – Senior Executive Service (SES) and non-SES
- movement/promotion
- performance management (obligations under the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022)
- conditions of engagement – for example, citizenship and probation
- separation - termination, resignation, retirement
- APS classifications - work level standards, broadbanding
- SES cohort
- machinery of government changes – moving employees.
APS employees seeking advice about matters relating to their own employment, as outlined above, need to contact their agency's HR area.
HR practitioners seeking further information can contact the team on or by phone on (02) 6202 3857.
Ethics Advisory Service
Enquiries: Monday – Friday from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm AEST
Phone: 02 6202 3737
If you would like us to contact you please call or email us with your contact details.
Contacting your own agency: APS employees can also access policies, guidance and support in their own agency. The HR area is a good place to start along with your agency's Employee Assistance Provider.
Freedom of Information
More information on the Freedom of Information Act can be found here.
Learning and development programs
Visit our website: Learning and development or call us on 02 6202 3933.
Media enquiries
All media enquiries should be directed to our media inbox:
Public Interest Disclosure authorised officers
A disclosure can be made to an authorised officer of the Commission if you reasonably believe the conduct relates to disclosable conduct. The Commission has appointed authorised officers for handling PIDs made to the APSC. Their names and contact details are below.
Shannon Owen
James O'Reilly
Michelle Coffill
Australian Public Service Commission
B Block, Treasury Building,
Parkes Place West, Parkes ACT 2600
GPO Box 3176, Canberra ACT 2601
Making an internal public interest disclosure to the APSC
An internal disclosure may be made by a current or former public official of the Commission anonymously, verbally and/or in writing to an authorised officer of the Commission.
SES Adviser
The Senior Executive Adviser is available to discuss with SES employees issues they may be facing, but has no authority to review or overturn decisions. On occasion, this will involve supporting displaced SES employees, through advice on retraining/development, and redeployment and retirement options.
All issues dealt with by the Adviser are treated on a confidential basis (as far as the law allows) and are not raised with another party unless the SES employee involved wishes to take the matter further.
National office
The National Office of the Australian Public Service Commission is located at:
B Block, Treasury Building,
Parkes Place West, Parkes ACT 2600
GPO Box 3176, Canberra ACT 2601
Visitors should arrange to be met by an APSC employee prior to entry.
Training program attendees should visit the client counter for access to the Training Centre prior to the start of the program.
Switchboard: 02 6202 3500
Client counter and courier access hours: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday
Sydney office
The Sydney Office of the Australian Public Service Commission can be contacted using the following details:
Level 22, 580 George Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Postal address: PO Box 20636, World Square Post Office, SYDNEY NSW 2002