Centralised Code of Conduct Inquiry Taskforce Final Report
Release of Information from the APS Commissioner
I, Dr Gordon de Brouwer, Australian Public Service Commissioner, under section 72A of the Public Service Act 1999, have made a decision to disclose protected information to the public by publishing the Report of the Code of Conduct Inquiry Taskforce.
The protected information to be disclosed relates to Code of Conduct inquiries into 16 individuals. The inquiries were commenced following the conclusion of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme. These inquiries have been conducted through sections 41(2)(m), 41A, and 41(2)(n) of the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth) (the Act), as recently amended. All inquiries have been completed, and any reviews of breach decisions have been completed.
The proposed disclosure of protected information is a de-identified summary of the breach findings and sanction recommendations.
In accordance with subsection 72A(5) of the Act, I am satisfied this disclosure is in the public interest and the disclosure is not likely to interfere with a review or inquiry under the Act or the Public Service Regulations 2023.
In any future cases I will, separately and on the facts as relevant to those matters, consider whether to exercise this discretion.
It is vital that the Australian public has confidence in the integrity of the Australian Public Service.
The conduct of these inquiries, and the manner in which they were conducted, reflects the expectation of the Australian people, the Government and the APS that all public servants, including Secretaries and Agency Heads, adhere to the highest professional standards and their obligations in the Act.
As a result, it is in my view in the public interest that a de-identified summary of the breach findings and the sanction recommendations of the 16 inquiries are disclosed to the public.

Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM
Australian Public Service Commissioner
5 September 2024