The Australian Public Service Commission issues publications, advices and circulars, reports, speeches and media statements to agencies outlining changes in APS people and performance management. The following are current under the Public Service Act 1999, unless otherwise indicated.
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- Annual report (5)
- APS Bargaining (1)
- APS Data (1)
- Capability reviews (1)
- Circulars, Guidance, and Advice (76)
- Commissioner's speeches (24)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Employment data (8)
- Learning and Development (3)
- Open Letter to the Australian Public Service (16)
- Remuneration report (10)
- State of the Service (11)
- Strengthening Partnerships (5)
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210 result(s) found, displaying 61 to 70Corporate plan 2022-26
The Commission stands ready to meet and address emerging workforce challenges, working collaboratively as a valued and trusted partner to the APS. Our 2022–23 Corporate Plan outlines how we will deliver against this aim.
APS Employment Data 30 June 2022
Employment data
This release of the Australian Public Service (APS) employment data presents a statistical outline of the APS workforce employed under the Public Service Act 1999. It provides key workforce metrics as at 30 June 2022 and trends from 2003. A
Release of the independent Australian Public Service Hierarchy and Classification Review
Media releases and statements
Today the Australian Public Service (APS) Commissioner, Mr Peter Woolcott AO, released the independent APS Hierarchy and Classification Review, which looks at how the APS can reduce hierarchy, adopt best practice ways of working and make the best use of the capability and expertise of all APS people.
Independent hierarchy and classification report
The independent APS Hierarchy and Classification Review provides advice to the APS Commissioner about ways the APS could streamline management and adopt best practice ways of working.
Australian Public Service Remuneration Report 2021
Remuneration reports
The Australian Public Service Remuneration Report 2021 is now available, presenting a summary of remuneration paid to APS employees under the Public Service Act 1999 as at 31 December 2021.
Circular 2022/07: Managing the impacts of COVID-19 on Commonwealth agencies
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
The purpose of this Circular is to provide advice to agencies about managing the fluctuating impacts of COVID-19. The following advice applies to all Commonwealth agencies and their employees including ongoing, non ongoing and casual employees.
Circular 2022/06 - Annual Wage Review updating Australian Government Awards
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
This circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of changes to the minimum wage, specifically in regard to Australian Public Service Award 2015, the Australian Government Industry Award 2016 and other enterprise awards covering Australian Government employment.
Circular 2016/2: Use and disclosure of employee information
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
Guidance for Australian Public Service agencies on how regulation 9.2 of the Public Service Regulations 1999 affects their ability to use and disclose the personal information of their employees, within their agencies and with other Australian Public Service agencies.
Strengthening Partnerships - Final Report
The final report relating to the implementation of the Government’s response to Recommendation 11 of the 2019 Independent Review of the Australian Public Service.
Australian Public Service gender equality strategy 2021-26
Working to ensure all genders have equal opportunity to make the most of their experiences, careers and talent.