Capability Review Framework
What is the Capability Review Framework?
The Capability Review Framework provides a consistent and structured way to assess the capability of an agency. The Framework is made up of 2 parts:
- An excellence horizon, which establishes what capabilities the agency needs now and in 4 years; and
- An analysis of organisational capability, which is used to identify capability gaps and opportunities against the excellence horizon across 5 domains and 18 elements of organisational capability, and which supports an assessment of capability against a maturity rating scale.
Developing and iterating the Capability Review Framework
During the pilot phase of the Capability Review program the APSC will iteratively improve the Framework to reflect lessons learned during the conduct of reviews.
The structure of the Framework draws on aspects of the Western Australia Public Sector Commission’s Agency Capability Review Framework and the Te Kawa Mataaho New Zealand Public Service Commission’s Performance Improvement Framework.
Running a pilot program allows the APSC to incorporate insights and feedback from the actual conduct of reviews into a rigorous, fit for purpose review methodology that is specific to the APS operating context.
The Framework was most recently updated in September 2023. This update simplified the structure, reduced duplication between elements and added new elements in areas identified as gaps in the previous Framework. The updated Framework places greater emphasis on collaboration, including internal collaboration and agency engagement with the public and industry.
The APSC will continue to review and update the Framework until the end of the pilot period in June 2025. This will ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the Capability Review program over the longer term. Updates will be shared on this page.