APSC gender equality action plan
The APSC is committed to driving progress in gender equality. Within the Commission and across the Australian Public Service, we must set the pace for a contemporary Australian workforce. This Action Plan translates the APSC Diversity and Inclusion Strategy into practical steps toward gender equality and articulates how the APSC contributes to the Balancing the Future: The Australian Public Service Gender Equality Strategy 2016–19.
73% of APSC staff are women, with high levels of participation by women at most classification levels, including senior leadership.
In establishing our initial target of 70% female participation, we recognise the importance of diverse perspectives to the achievement of the Commission's strategic priorities, alongside our contribution to gender equality within the APS more broadly.

Take up of part-time hours at 31 December 2016
- 19% Women
- 5% Men
Access of Parental leave (2016 calendar year)
- 14% Women
- 2% Men
Satisfaction with flexible working arrangements (2016 census)
- 79% Women
- 88% Men
Access of Carer's Leave (2016 calendar year)
- 51% Women
- 49% Men
- Human Resources will develop and implement a new Workplace Flexibility Policy and a Return to Work Guide for Working Parents*
- Directors and Group Managers will promote flexible work arrangements and appropriate leave for all staff with family or carer responsibilities*
- Directors will ensure employees with flexible work arrangements are afforded the same development opportunities as their peers*
- Human Resources will research the career progression and perception of part-time and flexible work employees***
- Corporate will work toward achieving the standards required to be a breastfeeding friendly workplace **
- Groups will continue to ensure diverse gender representation on all recruitment panels *
- Human Resources will evaluate all recruitment processes, including the 2017 APSC Graduate Development Program, to understand if recruitment tools or methods introduced gender bias **
- All APSC advertised vacancies will include a statement that the Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer *
- Human Resources will investigate career paths of staff within the Commission to identify any systematic barriers to progression ***
- Human Resources will investigate the diversity of women within the Commission*
- Executives with caring responsibilities will continue to make these visible to employees*
- Human Resources will continue to measure and report to the Executive on key diversity measures, including gender*
- Human Resources will develop guidance for managers to assist them to recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence as a workplace issue**
- The Commission will recognise days of significance such as International Men's and Women's Days*
- The Executive will explore mobility options including promotion pathways, to contribute to gender balance across work teams, and the APS *
- The Commission will continue to participate in interagency diversity networks *
- The Commission will continue to facilitate and participate in discussion on how to best implement the APS Gender Equality Strategy across the service **
* Immediate and ongoing,
**6-12 months,
*** 12 – 18 months
This Action Plan and its effectiveness will be evaluated and inform a replacement plan not later than July 2018.