Integrity resources
APS Values, Code of Conduct and Employment Principles
All APS employees are required to comply with the Code of Conduct, including to at all times behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and Employment Principles, and the integrity and good reputation of their agency and the APS.
APS Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct provides specific behavioural requirements for all employees. In complying with these requirements, employees demonstrate that they as individuals can be trusted to act in the public interest.
APS Values and Code of Conduct in practice
This guide is structured around the three professional relationships that are a central part of work in the public service: relationships with the Government and the Parliament; with the public; and with public service colleagues.
Handling Misconduct - A human resource manager’s guide
The guide has been revised and updated to ensure it continues to meet the needs of Australian Public Service (APS) agencies and support the institutional integrity of the APS as a whole.
The REFLECT model
REFLECT is a decision-making model that helps APS employees recognise and work through ethical issues and dilemmas within the framework of the APS Values, Employment Principles, and Code of Conduct.
Social media: Guidance for Australian Public Service Employees and Agencies
APS employees have a right to personal and political expression on social media. This right must be balanced with the obligations of APS employment, and the need to be seen as trusted and impartial public servants.
Integrity Metrics Resource
The Integrity Metrics Resource provides tools to assist APS agencies with measuring, monitoring and reporting on integrity performance.
Guidance for agency heads - gifts and benefits
There is new guidance relating to gifts and benefits for agency heads (including departmental secretaries).
Agency head gifts and benefits registers
Links to Agency Head gifts and benefits registers are available here.
Declaration of interests
This guidance sets out that agency heads and SES employees are required to declare in writing, at least annually, their own and their immediate family's financial and other interests that could cause a real or apparent conflict of interest.
APS recordkeeping guidance
The National Archives of Australia has been tasked by the Commission, through the Office for the Arts, with updating guidance to APS employees on record keeping. This emphasises meeting the requirements of the Archives Act and other legal obligations, and complying with the APS Values and Code of Conduct as integrity measures for APS employees.
Report into consultations regarding APS approaches to institutional integrity
Report commissioned by the Australian Public Service Commission, by Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO sets out findings and recommendations for reinforcing APS institutional integrity.
Procedures for Inquiring into and Determining Alleged Breaches of the Code of Conduct by an APS Employee or Former APS Employee
Links to the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s procedures established whether an APS employee, or a former APS employee has breached the Code of Conduct
Integrity Learning and Development
Links to integrity-related courses and resources to improve integrity capability and awareness, including: APSC/IPAA podcast, Integrity in the APS e-Learning Module, and soon-to-be released SES Integrity Masterclass Series.
Fact sheet: Upholding integrity
This fact sheet suggests ways to maintain and foster integrity and contribute to a workplace that supports employees to make good choices, consistently, and with confidence.
Fact sheet: Pro-integrity culture
This fact sheet explains what a pro-integrity culture looks like.
Fact sheet: Defining integrity
This fact sheet defines the meaning of integrity in the APS.
Fact sheet: Integrity agencies
This fact sheet identifies several agencies that have specific functions related to integrity matters in the Commonwealth.